Robert Sergent-Fairley has over 40 years of experience in providing exciting Trim Trails for Children of all ages and all abilities.
Robert is not too keen on his creations being labelled as Trim Trails. He prefers to refer to them as Adventure Trails or as Exercise Trails or Outward Bound Trails or Jungle Trails.
His designs are of a very casual fashion whereby the Adventure equipment is positioned randomly around and within the designated area. Thus there are deliberately no actual start or finish points.
Children are permitted to form their own circuits (or Adventure Route) which Robert believes is far more exciting for them.
Robert also believes that children soon become bored with the classic delineated Trim Trail Circuits .
Robert’s Open Plan Exercise Trails, allow children huge possibilities to be Inventive in their games.
Each day they can create Imaginative new Routes which lead them to greater feelings of self achievement and thus increase their self confidence.
Another key issue of Robert’s Trim Trails, is his constant usage of exciting planting in his Adventure Trails areas. He regularly intersperses the Activity Equipment with large Evergreen Shrubs and exciting Palm Trees, which he personally sources from specialists Nurseries in the UK and The Continent .
This follows his passionate ethos to “Green Up” as many children’s play areas as he is able.
Robert’s main aims in his Trim Trails areas are to make them fun for children whilst encouraging upper and lower body development, coordination, balancing, climbing, traversing and the general building of agility , fitness and stamina.
The visually appealing layouts of Robert’s designs complete with his stunning Plantings are a huge encouragement for Group Play whilst still allowing each child to attempt personal challenges and attain self achievements.
All Robert’s Exercise Trails are hand built , on site, by his personal Team .
All the timber used is carefully selected and is from Sustainable sources.
Robert’s Adventure Trails cover all aspects of exercise where children are encouraged to be Adventuresome and to take risks in an area which contains no unacceptable risks.
Costs for Roberts Trim Trails vary according to the size of the area and the number of items to be included.
However, his average Trim Trails cost between £30,000 and £80,000.