A Playground Design and Installation Project for St Augustines Nursery School in Hammersmith London
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St Augustines Nursery School in Hammersmith London - £120,000

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A Reception Playground in a heavily built up area

The brief from the Head was to create an exciting Outdoor Play area with an emphasis on Planting and the Opportunities for Imaginative and Creative group play as well as a Climbing and Hiding Activity area where the children could explore and feel a sense of personal Achievement

A few quotes from the staff .........

Business Manager : I cannot believe that this is the same bland area we suffered for so many years ; this is a makeover beyond description ; this will benefit endless intakes of children for many years to come ; the planting is absolutely stunning

Head Teacher : My dreams have finally come true for a Green Play area with endless opportunities for our children to run and climb and hide , whilst surrounded by beautiful trees and plants ; this is an amazing result and I can heartily recommend Robert and his delightful Team

Reception Leader : When the children returned from their Holidays , they could not believe their eyes when they saw their fantastic new Playground ; they literally just stood open mouthed and asked " is it for us ? " . So many wonderful features have been fitted into a relatively small area which is now a completely new world for the children to investigate and enjoy

Deputy Head : We had spent 2 whole years in searching for a Playground Company who could supply us with a proper Natural Play area and not a Modular one , covered in Wetpour and plastic flowers . By pure chance , at a Conference, we were recommended to Robert and I can honestly say that by bringing him in , it was the best thing we could ever have done . He has achieved a result beyond our wildest dreams and in such a short space of time . If we could transport this Garden to Chelsea next summer, I know it would win Gold ! Our deepest thanks to Robert and his extremely hardworking and charming Team

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