A beautifully designed Prayer Garden for a Shepherds Bush School
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A Laudato Si Prayer Garden - Shepherds Bush £58,000



A Laudato Si Prayer Garden

This Laudato Si Prayer Garden and School Quiet Garden has been acclaimed as the first complete Laudato Si Prayer Garden in the entire United Kingdom.

Following Pope Francis encyclical for everyone to care for the World around us, Shepherds Bush Catholic Primary School set up a mission, amongst staff, pupils and their families; their dream and their mission was to create a small totally enclosed, beautiful Laudato Si Prayer Garden.

Their main obstacle was to find a Schools Garden Designer who could design and construct this unusual request.

Fortunately, they already knew of the reputation of Robert Sergent-Fairley and his team of Master Craftsmen from School Playground Designers.

In no time at all, Robert provided the school with one of his unique hand drawn Designs, which totally encapsulated all the school’s wishes.

This Laudato Si garden has multi purposes for the school:

- It contains small areas where the children may grow their own vegetables, salads, herbs and fruit.

- For private or communal prayers, there are several seating positions; these include sheltered bench seats under a jasmine covered pergola and traditional Old English style timber arbours with low bench seats.

- Apart from providing an area for prayers, this Garden also acts as a School Quiet garden where all are welcome to sit in a peaceful reflective space.

All the timber buildings in this Laudato Si Garden, have timeless cedar shingle rooves.

There is also a statue of the Virgin Mary, which was donated to the school by Kathy Doogan, the School Headmistress who recently retired.

In the centre of the Garden, is a permanent Water Fountain, which sits on an area of Mosaics; these feature a Lamb, an Olive Tree, a Dove, Michelangelo’s hand of God and the Cross of Christ.

Planting in this garden is a mixture of symbolic plants, including Lemon trees, a Fig tree, an Olive tree and Palm trees; there are also tall calming bamboos and many all year interest dwarf perennials which the children will maintain and enjoy for many years to come.

Quotes from the Headmistress Imogen Lavelle:

I cannot put into words our deep gratitude to you and your amazing Team for this beautiful Laudato Si Garden, which is beyond our longed-for dreams.

You can stand proud to have created the first total Laudato Si School Garden in the entire United Kingdom.

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