School Playground Designers
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Safe Working Practices for Site Work

For all site activities by Company Personnel and directly employed Labour acting on behalf of Belsize Playground Designs Ltd.

Risk Assessment & Method Statement






Primary Schools


Installation of New Playground

The Identifiable Operational Risks are: (L=Likelihood, S=Severity, Q=Quantum)







Use of hand tools





Manual Handling





Use of disc cutter and abrasive wheels





Use of portable electrical equipment





Slips, trips and falls










Use of pneumatic tools





Surfacing and concrete works





Use of ladders





Site vehicles/Mobile Plant




Control Measures Taken To Reduce Risk:


(or specific assessment)
































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Belsize Playground Designers Ltd: Method Statement

Installation of school playground.

Brief description of work to be carried out.

  1. Erection of Play and Activity Platforms; the laying of Artificial Lawn in areas; the division of the existing large Playground into smaller Play and Learning Zones.

Operations will include:

  1. Construction of Activity Platforms with Tree House.
  2. Construction of Free Standing Open Sided Octagonal Pavilions.
  3. Construction of Free Standing Playhouses.
  4. Construction of Sand Pits and Soil Pits.
  5. Construction of Timber Decking areas.
  6. Construction of Trellis surrounds.
  7. Construction of raised timber planters.
  8. Construction of Pergolas and Low Bench Seats.
  9. Construction of Water Play Areas.
  10. Construction of Quiet Gardens.
  11. Planting of a variety of all year interest Sensory plants.
  1. Sequence of Operations
  1. Erect the portable works tent; erect safety barriers around the first area to be landscaped.
  2. Identify and mark out site.
  3. Remove all unwanted matter.
  4. Construct the Activity Platform area.
  5. Construct the Trellis areas and the Fencing areas.
  6. Construct the Timber Planters.
  7. Construct the Pergolas and the Low Bench Seats.
  8. Construct the Timber Decking Areas.
  9. Construct the Sand Pit and the Soil Pit.
  10. Construct the Play House.
  11. Construct the Octagonal timber Pavilions.
  12. Complete the Water play Area.
  13. Construct the Quiet Garden.
  14. Supply and plant all the Timber Planters.
  15. Lay the Artificial Lawn areas.
  16. Clean and tidy the site.

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  1. Personnel Responsible

Mr Robert Sergent-Fairley is responsible for all safety aspects on site – Mobile number 0788 218 1026

  1. Hazards Identified
  2. Excavations
  3. Excavations enclosures
  4. Erection of structures
  5. Dust
  6. Noise
  7. Manual Handling
  8. Electrical hazards
  9. Plant equipment
  10. Work equipment (including disc cutters)
  11. COSHH (including paint, concrete and safety flooring)
  12. Slips, trips and falls
  13. Removal and disposal of waste

Considerations to reduce risk from hazards.

  1. There will be no deep excavations on this type of site.
  2. Excavations are to be covered or fenced if still open at end of day.
  3. Erection of structures is only to be undertaken by trained personnel.
  4. Dust hazards are minimal due to there being no enclosed areas. Nuisance masks may need to be worn by personnel using disc cutters or breaking out.
  5. Noise impacts will be minimal owing to the fact that there will be no deep excavation works; the majority of the site work will be surface clearance and hand tool carpentry; cutting and grinding may produce noise levels in excess of 9dB (ear protectors will be mandatory for personnel, at these levels). Exposure of other personnel will have to be minimised (to be assessed by installer).
  6. All lifting operations are to be strictly supervised and all lifting will be done manually, without any equipment. All manual handling of Equipment, Materials, Tools and debris with inherent risks involved are to be assessed by personnel or contractors.
  7. Electrical hazards; only 110 v equipment to be used on the site and equipment is to be checked prior to bringing them on site; all equipment and tools to be kept permanently in a dry condition in relevant tool boxes inside the portable works tent.
  8. All plant and equipment must be in safe working order and operatives trained in all safety aspects.
  9. Correct personal protective equipment to be worn at all times.
  10. COSHH. Any hazardous substances brought onto the site are to be assessed for risk implications and safety data sheets provided for the Health and Safety File. Paint fume is to be monitored and suitable RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) to be provided if the fume becomes a hazard.
  11. Slips, trips and falls. High housekeeping standards are to be maintained at all times. Safety footwear is to be worn at all times; high visibility jackets to be worn at all times.
  12. All off cuts and waste are to be removed and stored immediately; no off cuts or waste are permitted on site; site waste receptacles are to be provided at all working stations; these waste receptacles are to be emptied at all times by appointed personnel.

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  1. Access

Through main entrance into playground.

  1. Emergency Systems

Call 999 if urgent – complete accident book for any incidents or near misses.
Belsize School Playgrounds Ltd will constantly review Emergency Procedures as the project progresses.

    1. Any hazards are to be reported to the site foreman who will take immediate action to rectify the problem and completing the necessary reports for the Health and Safety report.
    2. Hazard Report Forms are provided for reporting hazards in writing.
    3. If a situation exists where serious risk to health or injury is imminent, work is to cease in that area until it is declared safe to work.
  1. Public/Client/Other trades safety.

Site is not publically accessible, no other trades involved; daily delivery and collection of school children will be outside the demarcated barriers.

  1. Personal protective equipment.

The following PPE is expected to be all staff on site:

    1. Safety gloves (only if needed)
    2. Safety helmets (only if needed)
    3. Safety footwear
    4. Ear protectors (only if needed)
    5. Dust masks (only if needed)
    6. Goggles (only if needed)
    7. High visibility jackets
  1. Test/training certificates required.

Electrical tools and equipment (if applicable)
Abrasive wheel certificates (if applicable)

COSHH assessments.
Dust is the main COSHH consideration.
Hazard data sheet will be provided for any hazardous materials brought onto site.

  1. Temporary works

Temporary works will include superficial excavations and any barriers or signs required.

  1. Measure to minimise noise, dust and fumes

Dust, noise and fume hazards are minimal. Nuisance masks and ear protectors may need to be worn by personnel using disc cutters, sanding pads, timber planes or other dust producing tools; the school will be advised in advance when these works are taking place.
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All personnel to carry out work in compliance with Safe Working Practices.

Risk Evaluation Guidance

Likelihood                                                            Severity

  1. Unlikely event                                     1.         Minor or insignificant injury
  2. Possible event                                   2.         3 day absence event
  3. Certain event                                      3.         Major injury/death


  • Use of Hand tools

Assessment Number: 037

Activity Covered By this Assessment:

Use of hand tools

Significant Hazards:

Eye Injury
Injury to hands, feet and body

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • Tools provided will be assessed to ensure they are fit the purpose and the environment in which they are to be used. Tools will be used only for the purpose for which they were intended. The user must ensure that tools are in good condition and safe to use before commencing work.
  • The appropriate PPE will be used, I.e. eye protection, protective gloves, overalls and protective footwear.
  • Sharp instruments such as knives, screwdrivers, etc are to be carried and used so as not to cause injury to the user or others.
  • All persons using hand tools will be suitably trained in the correct method of use.

Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Manual Handling

Assessment Number: 054

Activity Covered By This Assessment:
Manual Handling

Significant Hazards:

Muscular – skeletal injury
Repetitive strain injury
Cuts, bruises and abrasions
Sprains and Strains

Persons at Risk:
Persons carrying out tasks
Others contractors and members of public (dropped loads)

Risk Level:

Control Measures to Reduce Risk:

Manual lifting and handling
Manual lifting and handling accounts for over 27% of all industrial accidents, it is for this reason we need to adopt correct lifting and handling techniques.

  • Determine the weight and stability of the item to be handled. If human efforts is required and it appears to be a two man job ask someone to help, do not attempt to handle the weight on your own.
  • Look for sharp edges, projecting nails, wire or splinters, wear close-fitting gloves if necessary
  • Plan the lift – remove any obstructions that may be in your path, make sure you can see over or around the load when carrying it, ensure that there is sufficient space to put the load down after moving it.

Stand close to the load with feet slightly apart and with one foot a little in advance of the other, pointing in the direction you intend to move.

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    • Tuck you chin in and bend the knees arching your back slightly.
    • Position elbows as close to your body as possible and grip the article using the palm of the hands and roots of the fingers.
    • Straighten your knees – the thigh muscles do the work of lifting, not those in your back – and move off.
    • Reverse this lifting method when setting load down which is equally as important.
    • Do not change your grip whilst carrying loads.
    • Use to the best advantage all your body weight when pushing, pulling, shovelling and digging.

Large Heavy Loads

Where the sixe and weight of an object is such that several persons are required to lift and move it, one person should take complete charge and be solely responsible for the safe completion of the task; he should not take part in the actual lifting and should:

  • Inform the lifting party of what the job involves and how it is to be done.
  • Ensure that the affected area is as free as possible from obstructions and the floor has secured footholds.
  • Ensure that the correct protective clothing is being worn.
  • Distribute the party evenly around the load and check that they all have a secure grip.
  • Take up a position which gives the best overall view.
  • Co-ordinate the lifting and moving effort.
  • Keep a good all – round lookout for the development of any potentially hazardous situation.
  • Ensure that any equipment moved in order to carry out the work is returned to its original place afterwards.

Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Use of disc cutter and abrasive wheels

Assessment Number: 004

Activity Covered By This Assessment:
Use of disc cutters and abrasive wheels

Significant Hazards:

Break up of the wheel or disc
Contact with the wheel or disc
Clothing entanglement with moving parts
Eye injury from flying particles
Inhalation of dust

Persons at risk:
Those using the equipment
All others in the area

Risk Level:

Control Measures:

  • Abrasive wheels and discs will be used only for the purpose for which they were provided and will be maintained in good condition. Wheels and discs will be stored correctly.
  • Care will be taken to ensure the correct spindle speeds and the correct wheel/disc type is selected for the material to be ground or cut.
  • All persons using the equipment will be suitably trained as generally described in HSE guidance note PM22. They will also be made aware of all the hazards arising from the use of abrasive wheels.
  • Wheels will be tested, mounted, balanced and dressed by competent persons only.
  • The appropriate PPE, i.e. eye, hearing, and respiratory protection will be used at all times. Overalls will be in good condition and free from possible entanglements.
  • Others working in the area will be taken into accounts when assessing the effects of noise, dust, flying particles and a bursting disc.


Residual Risk:
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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Use of Portable Electrical Equipment

Assessment Number: 023

Activity Covered By This Assessment:

Use of portable electrical equipment

Significant Hazards:

Damage to plant and equipment

Persons at risk:

Those using the equipment
Other in immediate area

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • All equipment will be individually tagged with an identification number and a register kept of the inspections and tests carried out.
  • The equipment will be used only for the purpose for which it was provided and only in a suitable environment.
  • All equipment will be 110 volts or less.
  • Equipment will be used only by trained competent persons who will visually inspect the equipment prior to its use. Faults will be reported immediately and the equipment removed from service.


Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Slips, Trips and Falls

Assessment Number: 024

Activity Covered By This Assessment:
Slips, trips and falls.

Significant Hazards:
Slips, trips and falls due to wet or slippery surfaces.
Slips, trips and falls on uneven ground.
Slips, trips and falls due to trailing cables and hoses.
Slips, trips and falls due to snow and ice.
Slips, trips and falls due to overcrowding or poor access and egress.
Slips, trips and falls due to built up of waste or poor housekeeping.
Slips, trips and falls due to working with low level ladders.

Persons at risk:
Those carrying out task
Members of public

Risk Level:

Control Measures:

  • High housekeeping standards are to be maintained at all times.
  • Debris and other waste to be removed daily.
  • PPE – safety footwear to be worn at all times on site; high visibility jackets to be worn on site at all times.
  • Adequate access and egress to place of work is to be maintained at all times.
  • Cables and hoses are to be stored away when not in use. Where possible cover cables and hoses with “vulcascot” type protection. Trailing cables and hoses to be routed in low or no usage areas where possible.
  • Salt and grit to be used in snow or ice conditions.
  • Harnesses to be worn when working at height.
  • Exclusion zone to be set our and maintained when a ladder is in use.
  • One Operative to stand near the base of any low level ladder.
  • Any low level ladder to be anchored securely in position.

Residual Risk:
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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Painting

Assessment Number: 018

Activity Covered By This Assessment:


Significant Hazards:


Persons at risk:

Those carrying out task
Other employees and contractors
Members of public

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • Ensure area is adequately ventilated.
  • Ensure personal protective equipment:
    • Goggles
    • Dust/fume respirators are used when necessary.


Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Pneumatic Tools

Assessment Number: 009

Activity Covered By This Assessment:

Pneumatic Tools

Significant Hazards:

Vibration white finger
Strain on muscles and back
Inhalation of dust

Persons at risk:

Those carrying out task
Anyone in vicinity of operation (contractors/visitors/public)

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • Ear protectors to be worn by operative and anyone in immediate vicinity.
  • Suitable rest breaks to be taken to prevent white finger and strain injuries.
  • Overalls to be worn to prevent burns from silica dust.
  • Suitable respirator to be worn by operatives.
  • Goggles to be worn by operatives.


Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Surfacing and Concrete works

Assessment Number: 082

Activity Covered By This Assessment:

Surfacing and concrete works.

Significant Hazards:

Silica dust (respiratory sensitisation)
Silica burns (dermatology sensitisation)
Burns from hot bitumen
Fume from hot bitumen

Persons at risk:

Those carrying out task
Other employees and contractors
Members of public

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • Correct PPE to be worn at all times (gloves, respirators safety footwear, safety helmets, high visibility vests gloves (riggers)
  • Barriers to be place to prevent people and vehicles coming into contact with materials.
  • High personal hygiene standards to be maintained to prevent dermatological sensitisation – gloves to be worn at all times.

Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Use of ladders

Assessment Number: 027

Activity Covered By This Assessment:

Use of ladders

Significant Hazards:

Persons falling
Equipment or materials falling
Collapse of the ladders

Persons at risk:

Those holding the ladders
Those working in the ladders
Those in the immediate area below and adjacent to the ladders

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • All ladders will be properly maintained in good working order by competent persons.
  • Ladders will be erected only by persons who are competent and adequately trained.
  • The base of the ladder will rest on firm level ground with the base properly supported.
  • When in use a second operative must permanently stand at the base of the ladder to control the ladder.
  • Ladders will not be moved when men or materials are on the ladders.
  • All appropriate precautions will be taken to protect others from falling objects.


Residual Risk:


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Generic Risk Assessment

  • Site Vehicles and Mobile Plant

Assessment Number: 071

Activity Covered By This Assessment:

Site vehicles and mobile plant

Significant Hazards:

Fatal or serious injuries to pedestrians
Collision between vehicles
Collisions with scaffolds
Mud making conditions slippery

Persons at risk:

Those carrying out task
Other employees and contractors
Members of public

Risk Level:


Control Measures:

  • No vehicles will enter this site.
  • No machinery will enter this site.
  • No plant will enter this site
  • All materials will be entered manually
  • Clear access to be provided
  • Clear storage areas to be demarcated.

Residual Risk:



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