A total remake of a large empty space into different " Rooms "
Latest Features include a natural sustainable play area, creative and adventurous activities, all year interest sensory planting, child friendly fencing and soft fall rubber play tiles.
An Activity Platform and A Tree House
Climbing Nets, Climbing Walls, Climbing Ropes
Wobbly Jungle Bridge
Exciting Palm Trees Olive Trees, Tall Bamboos and Prehistoric Tree Ferns
Child friendly evergreen shrubs
Raised Timber Planters
A Children`s Growing garden for Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs
Overhead Arches with scented evergreen Climbers
Chin Up bars
Somersault bars
Secret Rustic Wigwam
Action Climbing Timber Pyramid
Raised Sand Pit with covers and a Timber roof
Raised Soil Pit with covers and a Timber roof
Traditional Gypsy Caravan with indoor seating
Covered Play area under a long Polycarbonate roof
Storage sheds
Artificial Grass areas & Magic Mosaics Pathways
Water Play area with Timber decking
Traditional English Water Pump feature with Magic Mosaics water Rill
Low seating in all areas
Large Octagonal Timber Pavilion
Sheltered areas
Automatic Micro Irrigation watering system
Click to see a Slide Show
As Business Manager here at the Grange , for the last 30 years , I had always wanted our children to enjoy the benefits of a beautiful Natural Playground instead of their existing Moonscape Asphalt Play area. During the last 5 years I had quotes and designs from all the well known Playground companies ; unfortunately none of their designs contained the Imagination , the Adventure and the exciting Planting which I had always envisaged.
I did not want our children to grow up in a standard Modular structure Playground. My Dream for our children seemed a Non Starter , when a colleague in a Birmingham School , advised me about School Playground Designers. The rest is HISTORY !
Robert Sergent-Fairley visited us and listened attentively to our requirements. Within a matter of days , he supplied us with the most incredible hand drawn design of his ideas for our Playground and Outside Learning area. His perception and translation of our wishes was amazing. The work is now finished and without any doubt , we have the best Playground , “North of Watford”.
Robert’s team were amazing. They were the politest , happiest and most conscientious group , I have ever worked with. They built by hand , the entire Playground. We watched them daily , cutting with hand saws , sanding with hand tools and joining all the timbers with incredible skill and precision. The children were fascinated at their method of creating beautifully patterned Mosaic pathways (similar to those the children had visited recently at a Roman site). Robert’s horticultural skills were equally awesome as our Playground is now planted with Palm Trees , Olive Trees , Tree Ferns , Fruit Trees , evergreen shrubs , Sensory plants and a medley of fruit and vegetables.
Yes , my Dream has come true .
Before Photos