Early Learning Centre Playground in Croydon - Water Falls Exotic Planting, Multi Play Areas, Vegetable, Fruit and Sensory Gardens
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Nursery and Primary School Playground in Thornton Heath Croydon - £185,000

A wow factor sustainable school design and construction project which has it all - sensory mosaic pathways, fruit and vegetable gardens, multiple activity play areas for different age groups. a water pump feature with a mosaic path drain-away , a quiet area, decking which extends from the inside of the building to the outside and Robert's trade mark exotic sensory planting which is very much sought after.

Adventure PlaygroundMosaic Path in Playground

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Sensory Mosaic pathWater PumpWater Pump with Mosaic Path

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Close up of wooden feature in Mosaic pathCargo net activity Playground

Also important for schools are raised timber plant beds which allow easy access and minimum maintenance, all year no maintenance lawns vegetable, fruit and herb gardens quiet zones, friendship zones, water play, tricycle riding, magic pathways, storage areas, seating areas, sand play Area, soil digging area, privacy and screening, sensory planting natural play and natural activity areas.

Raised PlantersPlayground Wigwam

Interior DeckingWater Pump and Mosaic

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